पहचान : इस काल के वाक्य के अंत मे चूका था, चुकी थी, चुके थे, या था, आ था, ई थी आदि शब्द आते है|
Rules :
1. In simple sentence, Use of had and 3rd form of verb in every sentence.
Subject + had + 3rd from (v) + object.
2. In negative sentence,
Subject + had + not + 3rd form of verb + object.
3. In Interrogative sentence,
Had + Subject + subject +3rd form (v) + object?
4. In Interrogative -negative sentence,
Had+ subject + not + 3rd form of verb + object?
Simple sentence
Subject + had + 3rd from (v) + object.
- में किताब पड़ चूका था
- I had read the book.
- सूर्य उदय हो चूका था
- The sun had risen.
- वह स्टेशन पहुंच चूका था
- He had reached at station.
- मैं पहले ही खाना खा चूका था
- I had already taken my meals.
Negative sentence
Subject + had + not + 3rd form of verb + object.
- तुम वहाँ नहीं गए थे
- You had not gone there.
- हमने उसकी अनुमति नहीं ली थी
- We had not taken his permission.
- मैंने उसे पहले नहीं देखा था
- I had not seen him before.
- उसने मुझे नहीं पहचाना था
- He had not recognized me.
Interrogative sentence
Had + subject + 3rd from (v) + object?
- क्या वह मुझे वहाँ मिला था?
- Had he met me there?
- क्या तुम मुझे भूल गए थे?
- Had you forgotten me?
- क्या आप खाना खा चुके थे?
- Had you taken your meals?
- क्या तुम किताबें खरीद चुके थे?
- Had you bought the books?
Negative interrogative
Had + subject + not + 3rd form (v) + object?
- क्या उन्होंने आमंत्रण नहीं दिया था?
- Had they not invited us?
- क्या तुमने कभी शेर नहीं देखा था?
- Had you not ever seen a lion?
- क्या तुम वहाँ एक बार भी नहीं गए थे ?
- Had you not gone there even a single time?
- क्या उसने आपकी सहायता नहीं की थी?
- Had he not helped you?
WH family sentence.
Wh family + had + subject + 3rd form (v) + object?
- तुम उसे कहाँ मिले थे?
- Where had you meet her?
- तुमने उसे कौन-सी दवाई दी थी?
- Which medicine had you given him?
- उसने मेरा कहना क्यों नहीं मना था?
- Why had he not obeyed me?
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