Write a Notice About Career Counselling Session

Q. You are organising a career counselling session for the student of class 11th and 12th in your school as the head girl of your school write a notice giving necessary detail to the students.

Points to remember before writing the below notice:

नीचे दिए गए नोटिस को लिखने से पहले याद रखने योग्य बातें:

1. Please change the date and time of notice as per your convenience.

2. If the name of a Specific Chief Guest is given in the question, then write the name of the same Chief Guest and if any name is given of the authority, then write his signature and name.

यदि प्रश्न में किसी विशिष्ट मुख्य अतिथि का नाम दिया गया है तो उसी मुख्य अतिथि का नाम लिखें और यदि प्राधिकारी का कोई नाम दिया गया हो तो उसके हस्ताक्षर और नाम लिखें।

Write a notice about career counselling session
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